Wednesday, November 14, 2018

To celebrate birthday with 'giving'


It's less than a month to my birthday and I am already feeling excited. Sometimes too much of exuberance gives way to reflection and melancholy. On a quiet, winter afternoon as I was leafing through my stuff, I suddenly realised that I was going to spend the coming birthday too, in Mumbai, a city where I have lived for over a decade now.  And that brings forth the inevitable questions- the concept of time, the influence of a city on an individual's life, personal triumphs and failures, relationships and overall- the importance of giving back to the city and all those kindred spirits who helped you unconditionally. While this might not be the first time that I have pondered over these questions, I have certainly understood things better as the waves of the Arabian Sea splashed across the smouldering rocks by the Marine Drive. In an instant flash, every 'so-called' complexities in my urban life became crystal clear to me. And I walked back with a confident gait.

Nevertheless, birthdays are always special, for everyone. No wonder it reminds one about the waning hours in one's life. But it also paves the way to maturity, beauty, grace and compassion. We learn to get out of our selfish cocoon and relate with others and the universe around us. We understand that we are not alone in this struggle called life and livelihood. We realise that problems will always remain, despite the age and circumstances and the eternal truth that 'nobody's perfect.' In my journey to selfhood and independence, it was in fact my so-called greatest 'enemies' who pushed me to freedom and enlightenment. They made me realise that the greatest joy was in living out of oneself, to virtually do everything for others, to completely empty oneself of one's Self or any notion of it. Whenever I have succeeded in feeling this strongly, I have felt a surge of energy filling me up with joy and a sense of possibilities. It has also made me more aware as a person.

Now how does a normal person give? Isn't 'charity' only for the rich? I feel that's not true at all. Though this might sound cliche but we all are capable of giving in small ways, almost everyday. I try to give my maid small cash amounts as extra money as and when I can. Like so many other women, I give her clothes, books and newspapers for her children. Similarly, I try to help my old and ailing neighbour by giving company, inviting her to house parties, giving her small gifts that brings cheer to her lonely face. Their warmth and love fills my heart with gratitude and contentment.

But giving should never be confused with laziness or poverty. As we all know, it's much beyond that. It's a state of high vibration, spirit, joy and a great amount of wealth and prosperity too. The idea is to acquire wealth as much as possible for the sake of others, to improve the lives and lifestyles of people who are closely linked with us.

I hope I can truly give on my birthday and live in tandem with others.

Much love & sunshine


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