Saturday, July 14, 2012

Walking In The Rain

Meghna Maiti

Rain, Rain, Rain.

Just look at you, walking in at this odd hour into this dreary land and breathing life into it like a lighthouse on pitch-dark seashore, twirling the side of your skirt pensively as the water drops freckle your cheeks with sweet diamond of moisture - for what?

For a bit of philanthropy, perhaps? Or romance with those hapless souls depressed by the continuous dryness. And it is not without any reason. Look- nature whips Indian economy back and forth more than bankers do. If the kharif crop is depleted, the consequences will be an inflationary Diwali and bleak winter. Fast moving consumer goods companies glide along those glistening streets to glory. What more, monsoon affects replenishment of ground water and generation of hydel power too.

Your mysterious nature even leaves the Met department confused. And how are they supposed to know that you are coming? It is not as if they have a Lord Indra there with his magic stick to forecast the weather. Therefore, we avoid the news and let the element of mystery deepen. Like saints. It is late, we are out of cereals and sugar, and our clothes are itchy. We have to act stingy and postpone our purchases of our favourite cars, television and cars until prices drop.

So silly our impatience now seems, stuck as we are in the unreality of Indian gloom and doom. Now that we have seen you for a couple of days - with your jet-black hair still damp from the shower, with your deep and seductive eyes, with your scents of marsh and upland, and most of all, with your infectious sense of calmness and serenity, seems to be the beginning of a long-drawn affair. Listening to you fall, long after the sun goes down and long after night, until the morning hours, is a deep and most enchanting experience.

However, are you here to stay? Are you growing spiritual, what with the expectations of coming to the foothills of Himalayas, the north and northeast over the next few days?  Will you starve your admirers in some other parts such as Maharashtra, Karnataka? We are sure you will not let drought, your competitor ruin the chances of millions of men.

Yet it seems, we have caught you on a day when you have decided to make a fresh start. To make a fresh start, try to come more often, come more vigorously to plant new seeds in the hearts of your boyfriends, pick out new drinks for them, buy them expensive gifts, settle their finances and pay for their bills. Moreover, do not forget to dump them when your days here are over.

Sensitivity like you is rare to find. We can even see the most intrepid of souls clearing the roads on a rainy day. And those who did not brave you have no idea what they are missing.

We really feel we all love you.


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