Saturday, July 4, 2009

Television Media

All you guys..Pls pardon me for changing words of Tagore's poetry...Couldn't help it....Again one boring Saturday in office....not much to do...and as you all know ''empty mind is devil's workshop"

Where people scream uselessly and flash to death
Where knowledge is irrelevant,
Where the world is broken up into fragments by narrow domestic walls
Where words come out from pressure of competition,
where tireless aggression stretches its arms towards excellence,
Where the clear stream of reason has lost its way into the dreary desert of dead habit;
Where the mind is led forward by thee into the ever-narrowing thought and action,
Into that planet of freedom, my Father, television media journalism awakens us

Random thoughts

"Your mind is like a small bird that jumps from one branch to the other"
Sohini, a close childhood friend had told me this.
Several other times my mind was called volatile by another friend, "scatterbrained" by someone else.
My thoughts are so illogical and weird and different at times.
My blogs reflect my irational and illogical self.
At times I feel it's good to be this person. Life is just not black and white then.
But it also makes every day living difficult and complex.
At times I wish I could earn lots of money and get long holidays by beautiful sea- beaches at the same time. I wish I could spend endless romantic moments with special people, devour amazing preparations of seafood.
I wish I could make many adventure trips with friends.
I wish life would not just be brought down to communications through social networking sites and fake friends.
A good cup of tea in a soft comfortable chair, with a good companion, a view of a range of green hill, are some of the things I yearn.
Will I ever get all these in this life??
Romanticising life too much?? Isn't it??