Friday, July 16, 2021



Practice 'Fluidity and Movement'

In my previous post I spoke about getting closer to the 'unmanifested' within us, and regaining silence and stillness in our lives. Today, I will discuss practicing 'fluidity and movement' to regain our balance and composure, or our true selves. Once, we practice silence and stillness in everyday life, in between our morning breakfast coffee, our afternoon reading session, evening walk, or our quiet supper, we will become more attuned to our true being. We won't then just remain our superficial mind-led hollow and confused selves. We will allow the God, or higher source, whatever u call it, to enter into our lives. We will create the space for what is truly divine within us. 

The problem with a lot of people around us, especially in this unprecedented time, is that they are simply 'stuck-up.' They are stuck up with their pasts, with their wrong decisions, with their bad experiences. They blame it all on an external entity. I have myself been majorly 'stuck-up' for most of my life until now. I blamed all my problems to all the people I have grown up with or all the other acquaintances. I have judged myself and others heavily. And this was all clearly due to a narrow, biased, 'black and white' thinking. I could gradually get over it with self healing, propelled by a major re-set of my own thinking. 

Thereon, I understood that it was important to not get stuck on to any sense of 'right or wrong,' 'good and evil' kind of concepts. Everything was after all, contextual and circumstantial. I understood that our body was like a vehicle, with liquid flowing through it, which would take shape of any container it was poured in. There was nothing solid or rigid within it. Hence, it needs to be in a state of movement, as much as possible, to keep its chi (vital life force) alive. 

Secondly, when we connect to our true being, the higher source within, we become our true selves, with very little negative ego. We understand that everything in life is transient, and there was no point of attaching our self with any material thing. 

But, how do we practice movement and fluidity in our daily life? 

1) There's nothing like running. We must wear our track pants, tee shirts, lipstick (for women for the feel of it :)), fitness watch, and start running. When we are running, we should free our mind of all thoughts and listen to the sound outside. 

2) We can simply play some music at home and dance to the tune. We could simply let ourselves be, without paying heed to any particular dance form or technique. We should just dance as if there's no one around. 

3) We could simply sit in a meditative position on the floor. Light an incense stick and an aroma candle in the otherwise dark room. We should keep our hands in a certain mudra to concentrate. And then stare at the flame of the candle, for a while. Then slowly start thinking that your body had fluid within it, which is moving all across, right from your stomach to heart, stretching to your limbs, and down the legs, everywhere. Feel the movement within your body. Thats the vital life force flowing through you. 

4) Sit down and sway your hands, like you do when you are dancing. Feel the rhythm within and say aloud, 'I am nothing. I am a piece of shit. I exist because the universe allows me to. There's nothing that I am conscious of." This exercise would help grounding you substantially. It would reduce ego. 

If we practice movement and fluidity exercise regularly, a time will come when we will become open and flexible. And it will help those of us, who are very rigid and closed, in a lot of ways. This would help us to break the defences within us and help us open the portals to more good luck, fortune and prosperity.